REPORT STRUCTURE COMPANY KARMA REPORT ON CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY CF. SECTION 99A OF THE DANISH FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ACT. — This report is a part of THORNICO’s management review attached to the annual report for 2016. The Company Karma Report sets out to communicate on the progress of THORNICO’s commitment to the Company Karma philosophy, our group’s united effort to leave a positive mark behind us, wherever we do business. The report accounts for the period of 1 January to 31 December, 2016, and is divided into three parts. Part 1 elaborates on THORNICO’s overall business philosophy of Company Karma, including the policies, strategies and initiatives implemented on group level to integrate corporate responsibility in everyday practices. Part 2 addresses the 2016 progress of our different business sectors. Our businesses have diverse product portfolios, organizational structures and markets, making a “one size fits all” solution to corporate responsibility both cursory and unattainable. Consequently, this part deals with the specific focus areas and results of our group companies’ strategic work with Company Karma. Part 3 highlights our unique community involvement through our current Company Karma Projects around the world. These projects are our extended efforts of doing good through our business and core competencies, committing ourselves to important environmental and social causes. On the cover of Company Karma Report 2016: Khalida Popal Former Captain of the Women’s National Team of Afghanistan CONTENT: REPORT CONTENT COMPANY INSIGHT 4 ABOUT COMPANY KARMA 10 STRATEGY & POLICIES 10 THORNICO X SDG 14 EQUAL GENDER 18 2016 PROGRESS 20 REAL ESTATE 22 SPORT & FASHION 30 SHIPPING 42 FOOD TECHNOLOGY 52 FOOD 56 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT 62 LINK INDEX 74
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