Company Karma originated as a business philosophy in the minds of Christian Stadil (our CEO) and renowned professor in Organizational and Management Theory Steen Hildebrandt during their conversations, which ultimately led to a book carrying that very title. The notion of Company Karma is in many ways an oxymoron: What has the area of business in common with the esoteric idea of karma? In the THORNICO state of affairs the short answer is: A lot. But it doen’t go without explaining. That’s why we, the Company Karma Crew regard ourselves as the practical, implementing and hands-on dimension of Company Karma. To put it simply: It’s our job to walk the talk. So where are we heading? Company Karma is a direction towards achieving two specific goals: Sustainable growth and a corporate culture, which harnesses helpfulness, social engagement and voluntarism. We are getting there - but it’s a process in which we hold faith and a healthy amount of skepticism towards our own efforts in high regard. When you want to co-create a better world there’s quite a way to go. Our Company Karma strategy is based on a three -dimensional policy: HUMAN, GLOBE and ECONOMY: HUMAN is THORNICO’s devotion to the wellbeing of the people working in and around THORNICO. THORNICO is committed to supporting the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights, both in respect to employees and partners, but also on a larger societal level. GLOBE is THORNICO’s engagement in facing some of the environmental challenges that are constantly threatening the world we live in. Within the principles of GLOBE, THORNICO takes great measures to secure a precautionary approach to these challenges and strives to minimize any negative environmental impact, the company might have. Integrating a concern for the environment into the different businesses in THORNICO is therefore a natural part of Company Karma. ECONOMY is THORNICO’s dedication to conducting its business activities sustainably, dissociating the company from any illegal, corrupt and oppressing actions that hinder or create disproportionate economic growth of society. Professor of management practice, Robert G. Eccles’ at Harvard Business School has researched companies that have adopted environmental, social and governance policies and those that haven’t. (Read the report here.) We firmly believe in the accuracy of his conclusions that point directly to the areas of human, globe and economy: “ Companies that manage their environmental and social performance have superior financial performance and actually create more value for their shareholders. ” However, we’re not doing this for our shareholders alone. As a business THORNICO aims at doing well by doing good. The world requires that businesses take responsibility for their past, present and future impacts - and hey presto - we also belong to the world! We too see the urgency for action and the necessity for coming together in co-creating a better edition of our environment and human conditions around the globe. The time is now. In 2018 we look forward to presenting you with a Company Karma report that delivers on specific facts and figures on our efforts in the area of HR and CSR, We are currenty at the brink of implementing systems and procedures that assist us in heightening our baseline and work-flow in these fundamental areas of THORNICO. Likewise we’re working with the SDGs to establish positive chain effects and a wider spectre for our efforts and visions in the name of Company Karma. On behalf of the Company Karma Crew, 5
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